Expansive Doggy Daycare-Cedar Falls & Waterloo

No need for a dog to sit home, bored and lonely day after day. No need for you to rush home at lunch or after work. While you are away for the day, your dog could be enjoying hours of fun, play, stimulation, exercise and attention.
We offer half day and full day doggie daycare sessions in our safe and closely supervised indoor / outdoor environment. Your pup will have a blast with the many resort activities and amenities, whether playing alone or with a group of friends.

At Companion Animal Clinic and Pet Resort, you can be confident your furry companion will be cared for by animal lovers that have the proper training and know how to care for your dog while you are taking care of business. Your pet will have access to both indoor and outdoor play yards complete with veterinary approved indoor flooring and pet turf for outside fun. We offer both small and large dog areas and all dogs are divided into play groups of 15 dogs or less, which allows for plenty of individual attention from our dedicated staff. Group activities provide an excellent source of fitness and socialization
Daycare Package Savings
Full day daycare:
Single full day: $25 per day
Full day punch cards:
5 visits: $115 ($5 savings)
15 visits: $330 ($30 savings)
30 visits: $630 ($90 savings)
Half day daycare:
Single half day: $18 per day
Half day punch cards:
5 visits: $80 ($5 savings)
15 visits $225 ($30 savings)
30 visits $420 ($90 savings)
*Half day daycare is either
7AM-Noon or 1PM-5:45PM

Doggy Daycare Includes:
Hours of supervised playtime
Large indoor and outdoor play yards
Spacious outdoor turf areas
Structured playgroups by size and personality
Resting and napping areas between play sessions
Water stations to keep guests hydrated
Various toys to play with
Outdoor water play (in season)
​Edible Treats (with your permission)
​Meals (when requested, and you can bring your pet's food from home*)
Appointment scheduling for grooming, nail trims, or any other veterinary medical services at our clinic
Full access to medical or emergency care
*During mealtime feedings your pet will be separated and crated, and will have a resting period after their mealtime.
Daycare Health Requirements
All boarding and doggie daycare guests must be up to date with the requirements below:
Rabies vaccine
Bordetella vaccine
Must be spayed or neutered
We love adopted dogs! Please help them adapt by keeping them at home for at least 4 weeks before bringing your dog to boarding or daycare.
Temperament Test
To ensure our guests safety all dogs must undergo a Temperament Test before being allowed in group playtime. This test should only take a few minutes of your time and will help us determine if your dog will be comfortable during his or her new environment with strangers. If your dog seems exceptionally nervous, we will need extra time with your pet. Please call ahead for temperament tests reservations for both Daycare and Boarding.